
How To Paint Batman Symbol On Nails

I had a lot of fun making this Batman String Art Sign for my nephew for his Batman-themed nursery. This is another like shooting fish in a barrel projection with a big WOW factor, because I think anything personalized is pretty absurd!

String Art Sign

So my nephew turned one last month and this project was long over due equally I had planned on making this for his nursery before he was fifty-fifty born. I could picture this sign in my head as soon every bit my sister told me he will have a Batman-themed nursery.

Follow my video tutorial beneath or just roll down and read my pace by step instructions for this super easy and fun DIY project!

Stuff y'all will need:

  • Wood plaque (I got mine at Michaels with a xl% off coupon)
  • Crochet thread in yellowish and black
  • Yellowish and black pigment (I employ pigment samples from Lowes)
  • Carbon Newspaper (I bought mine here simply I'one thousand certain you tin discover it at Michaels also)
  • A pen hollowed out
  • 1 x 16 nails from Lowes (the parcel says "Wire Nails" but I don't think it matters)
  •  Drill (just to pre-drill the holes to make hammering easier)
  • Hammer
  • And finally, your design!

And then I started by googling the "Bat Symbol" and printing out the one I liked. Then I printed out the proper noun in Microsoft Word. Just make certain it fits the plaque you bought.

I painted the xanthous part kickoff and then used the carbon paper to transfer the shape on there so I could paint the black part.

Batman Nursery Sign trace

I painted on two coats of blackness to get in darker then the yellowish would pop.

Batman Nursery Sign paint

Then I cut the Batman symbol out and taped it onto the lath so it wouldn't move.

Batman Nursery Sign cut

The next footstep is to start hammering. But I DON'T similar hammering!! I always smash my fingers and it's never pretty. So I came up with a little flim-flam, which I was very excited about. I use a drill to pre-drill the holes, so all I take to practise is put the blast in the hole and lightly hammer but hard plenty for nails to go in. Easy peesy!

You certainly don't have to use the drill and but hammer ,the good ol' fashioned way, but it definitely makes information technology a lot easier!

Batman Nursery Sign drill

Batman Nursery Sign pre drill

Now y'all can start hammering away!!

Batman Nursery Sign hammer

Repeat the process with the proper name every bit well!

Batman Nursery Sign nails

Once you lot're washed with the nails y'all're ready to start "stringing"!

I used this piddling play tricks which makes it so much easier to string around the nails. Use a hollowed-out pen to put the string through and apply it like you're writing. Now I can't have credit for this idea considering I saw it somewhere while on one of my late Pinterest nights (you tin't tell me I'm the only one!), but whoever came upward with that one is a genius! Just tie a picayune knot around the first blast and start "stringing"!

Batman Nursery Sign

Batman Nursery Sign finished

Batman Nursery Sign final

And thats it! You lot're washed with your very own Cord Fine art! Tell me what you think and if y'all will try information technology out please let me know in the comments department below. I would dear to encounter some pictures!


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